Quality design and services
Quality design and services

Design Information Centre is affiliated to Smart Will Engineering Limited and Globe Sense Limited
我們的願景 : 在香港室內裝修及設計行業中持續成為領先及獨具特色的公司
我們的使命 : 建立高素質的服務團隊,為客戶創造更好的生活及商業環境,關顧有關人士及團體
我們的核心價值 :
-道德,分為兩方面。一是法律,即對法律及社會責任; 二是道德,即對人的道德 (對員工/自己/他人)
Design Information Centre have been established for more than 20 years, we always adhering to our vision, mission and core values to become a unique corporate management culture. The entire company pitched to practice consistently.
Our Vision : To be a sustained Leading and Distinct Company in interior design and contracting industry in Hong Kong
Our Mission : To build a competent service team for creating better living and commercial environment for clients and taking care of interested parties
Our Value :
Commitment: Manner, Leadership, Drive, Get it done, Goal Achievement
Sustainability: Survival & Growth
Ethics: Legal- to law/society; Moral-to people (to staff/yourself/others)
Caring: Make the interested parties better off (client/staff/shareholder/minority)
Creativity: Distinguish ourselves from others (dare to enable Growth)
Learning: Improvement, strengthening (explore to enable Growth)
三大 ISO 認證 Three ISO certifications:
駿志工程有限公司分公司(設計情報中心)獲得三大 ISO 國際認證,分別為質量管理體系 ISO 9001:2015、環境管理體系 ISO 14001:2015,以及職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 均符合國際標準,並根據國際管理體系嚴格標準營運。設計情報中心一直秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。
Design Information Centre received three international ISO certifications for Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018. They are in line with international standards and strict management system in accordance with international standards of operations. Design Information Centre has been adhering to the unity of team work spirit, continuous improvement, and advancement philosophy of governance, to provide customers with quality services
牌照保證 License guarantee:
「小型工程監管制度」已於2010年12月31日全面實施,根據《建築物(小型工程)規例》規定,如業主需要進行「小型工程監管制度」所規管的187項「小型工程」 ,承建商如要進行上述的「小型工程」必須先向屋宇署註冊為註冊小型工程承建商;如業主需進行相關「小型工程」,亦有責任選用屋宇署註冊小型工程承建商。而計情報中心已註冊為小型工程承建商「駿志工程有限公司」。(屋宇署註冊編號:MWC 4320/2011)進行相關裝修及小型工程,而無論泥水師傅、油漆師傅、電工師傅,抑或木工師傅,一律持有政府認可的合法牌照。公司亦替所有裝修員工購買相關勞工保險,確保一切工程合法安全。
"Minor works control system" was fully implemented in December 31, 2010, according to the Building ( Minor Works) Regulation, If owners hire unregistered contractors to perform the 187 items of building works included in Minor Works Control System, owners may incur liability. ; if the owners are in need of related "minor works", they are responsible for the selection of BD registered minor works contractors. Design Information Centre have registered as minor works contractors 「Smart Will Engineering Limited」(number of buildings department registration: MWC 4320/2011) to carry out all the renovation works, regardless of wet works builders, painting masters, electricians, or carpenters, they are all holders of government-approved legal licenses. Design Information Centre will furnish all employees with relevant labor insurance policies, to ensure that all projects are carried out legitimately with security.
本公司根據 ISO 的嚴格標準營運,秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。其中以保障客戶權益及保安理由,謝絕收取現金及謝絕轉帳到任何員工或設計師的私人戶口,包括任何優惠均不會要求客戶支付現金,客戶與設計師的私下交易,本公司恕不負責。員工守則規定設計師不可私下收取任何現金費用,亦不可要求客戶轉帳到其私人帳號,付款方式只限支票、信用卡或銀行轉帳至公司帳戶,支票抬頭請註明「豪迅有限公司」或「Globe Sense Limited」。請提交劃線支票及刪除「持票人 or Bearer」。
客戶若對公司的管理或員工的服務有任何意見,歡迎隨時提出,熱線電話:91365957 蕭生,閣下的寶貴意見有助我們精益求精,謝謝。
如客人對本公司有任何意見,可致電 969 888 69 Kevin Chan 或電郵至 : [email protected] 。
Thank you for all the customers support.
According to a strictly standard procedures of ISO, our company commits ourselves to provide a great quality service to our customer with excellence management concept. We also anchored in a strong bond and continuous to improve.
In order to protect the interests of customers and the security reason, our company staff or designers are prohibited to receive cash or money transfer to any personal account. Our company do not require customer to pay cash for any discount or promotion. we are not responsible for any private transaction between designer and customer.
Our company regulation for employees requires our designer cannot receive any cash or money transfer to their personal bank account. Payment method only by check, credit card or bank transfer to the company account. Checks payable to the " 豪迅有限公司" or Globe Sense limited", please summit crossed check and delete " holder or Bearer"
For any further comments to our company management or service, please calls us at 91365957 Mr Siu
We are appreciate for your most value opinion.
If customers have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 969 888 69 Kevin Chan or email : [email protected]
供應商相輔相成 Complementary Suppliers:
Indoor building materials suppliers are the best partners for interior designers. Design Information Centre, taking into account the interests of customers and employees, working closely with suppliers to achieve win-win situation. We understand that an honest approach to business is the only way to build mutual trust, and ultimately long-term benefit of both sides. Design Information Centre believes that healthy and positive operation attitude is maintained by good credit and sincerity.
專業設計團隊 Professional Design Team:
設計情報中心不但聘用高學歷及專業的設計人才,設計團隊更通過考核,取得 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系標準。另外,專業的設計團隊發揮無限創意,善用先進的電腦軟件如3D Studio Max、AutoCAD等,透過效果圖、3D立體圖、手繪圖為客戶度身訂造不同的設計方案。作為專業設計師一定要懂得「三心兩意」,三心就是「細心」、「盡心」和「真心」,而「兩意」就是利用誠意盡力令客人「滿意」。專業的設計團隊在大膽創新的同時,更會小心求證;以安全和配合人體工學為大前題,再根據客戶要求度身訂造不同的設計方案。
Design Information Centre will employ highly educated professional designers; the design team met the examination requirements and certification to obtain ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standards. In addition, our professional design team is very competent in using their creativity, and skills of advanced computer software such as Studio Max, AutoCAD etc., through renderings, three-dimensional maps, hand-painted sketches, we help different clients visualize our tailor-made designs. As professional designers, we understand the philosophy of "two minds and three hearts" in Chinese, “three hearts” meaning "careful", "dedicated" and "sincere" and "two minds" meaning “ good efforts” to get “customers' satisfaction”. Our professional design team will boldly introduce our creative concept, at the same time, we will carefully verify our proposals so that they will meet safety and ergonomics standard for large premises, and we are experienced in providing tailor-made designs according to customer requirements of different design projects.
三年免費結構保用 Three years Structure Warranty For Free:
Design Information Centre understood the life time value of the enterprise for customer, therefore the after-service for unit would be keep follow up after the projects , providing 3 years free warranty for residential design projects, meanwhile commercial design projects has a year of free structural warranty, all damages constitute by non-human has dedicated by specific department which offer free of charge for customer, in order to provide the most complete and quality of service.
免息分期 Interest-free installments:
設計情報中心財政穩健、信譽良好具規模,因而成功通過各大銀行的信貸審核,為客戶提供 12 / 24 / 36 個月各大銀行免息分期服務,不但能夠讓客戶更有系統地繳款,妥善理財之餘,同時反映出設計情報中心安全可靠。
Design Information Centre financially sound, reputable scale, which successfully passed the audit of credit banks, to provide customers with 12 / 24 / 36 months interest-free installments service banks, not only to give customers more payment systems to, while of good financial management, and reflects the design of safe and reliable of Design Information Centre.
一站式多元化服務 One-stop diversified services:
As a professional interior design company, Design Information Centre provides detailed design solutions and diversified services for customers to choose. In the past, decoration and furniture design were two all processes. When our clients require decoration services, they often have to search for the right material suppliers, engineering companies and design assistance; it is virtually a waste of their time and energy. Design Information Centre provides one-stop furniture and decoration services; it is a link and a centre point for the designers, decorators and material suppliers to get together. Designers will also provide attentive services according to different customer preferences and needs, they will help them choose the right materials, kitchenware, sanitary ware and curtains, etc., it saves our clients’ time to search around for the materials, and therefore, we strive to provide our client with convenient services.
專業查驗團隊 Professional inspection team:
Design Information Centre will always focus on quality control as well as quality assurance, all the construction process are under strict control to ensure that the projects are carried out properly from the start to completion, all processes are in line with quality standards. The inspection team of Design Information Centre inspects the various phases of progress in the project construction site with advanced equipment. In addition, our team will also check on the details of the agreement to make sure that they comply with all customer requirements, we hope that every project is perfectly completed when we handover the premises to our clients.
特設審圖部 The Special Plan Approval Department:
有了設計師大膽創新意念後,亦需要根據人體工學和安全性小心求證。因此設計情報中心特設審圖部,根據 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系國際指引,嚴格審閱相關的施工圖紙,評估設計的可行性和安全性,以確保現埸工序與圖紙吻合。
With innovative designs, we also need to verify carefully the ergonomics and safety requirements. Therefore, we have the special plan approval department to check that all plans and drawings are in good order according to ISO 9001:2015 international quality management system and guidelines. We also assess the feasibility and safety of the design to ensure that the site conditions are consistent with the drawings.
優質建材 High-quality materials:
環保己成為社會大趨勢,作為一間具前瞻性的公司,設計情報中心早己成功考取 ISO 14001:2015 環境管理體系認證。設計情報中心一直堅持使用堅固耐用和安全的高質素建材,配以先進精密機器製造傢俬。設計情報中心提供不同建材給客戶選擇,例如不含重金屬、不含有毒苯類溶剷(TVOC)和符合國際標準甲醛含量的環保油漆、E1或E2板等優質建材。客戶可按個人需要,選擇合適相宜的建材。
Environmental protection has become a social trend, as a forward-looking company, Design Information Centre has succeeded in obtaining ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system certification. Design Information Centre has insisted on using high quality, durable and safe materials, as well as advanced precision machinery manufacturing furniture. To cater for different customer needs, Design Information Centre also provides environmentally friendly, high-quality building materials to our customers. For example, we do not use any materials which contain heavy metals, we only specify and use non-toxic solvent benzene shovel (TVOC) and meet the international standard formaldehyde level environmentally friendly paint, E1 or E2 board high-quality building materials.
風水與室內設計 Feng Shui and Interior Design:
We have different types of fate and properties, to enhance personal fortune, we can wear specific types of clothes with the colors to bring about good luck and we can also arrange special household accessories to increase the positive energy in our houses. Design Information Centre with professional feng shui master, introduces and offers professional Feng Shui advice to the home design, and to ensure peace of mind for our clients, so that they will always be at ease.
度身打造主題兒童房 Tailored theme children's room:
Good environment can offer a far-reaching effect on children's growth, an ideal children's room is not just about the layout of a few pieces of cartoon furniture. It is a topic to be explored. Design Information Centre pays a lot of attention to the security aspect of their designs, space allocation, color combinations, and various aspects of psychological development of children, we strive to create high-quality living environment for children. Our professional designers will study the needs of children and psychological conditions at different age group, they will always use quality and safe building materials to create quality housing environment for children.
定期會議,檢討進程 Regular meetings to review the process:
Through regular meetings with company management level, it can review our current management policy. The meeting will also collect during different recommendations in order to improve the project. Once the problem is found, it need to make modifications to ensure that management policies with the times. In addition, project supervision and designers will be daily checks of the unit's work processes, viewing the situation in real terms during the project and progress. Meanwhile, the Engineering Department staff will inspect each time when photographed, customers via e-mail or fax informed of the progress, all open and transparent.
定期培訓 Regular trainings:
設計情報中心視員工為公司重要資產,不論是室內設計師、繪圖員、裝修服務隊,公司都會按照他們的需要提供定期培訓,例如行業技術及操守、設計資訊、ISO 培訓、職業安全等等,積極提升員工的實力與質素。
Company employees as an important asset for Design Information Centre , whether interior designers, draftsmen, decoration teams, companies will need to provide on a regular basis according to their training, such as industry, technology and ethics, design information, ISO training, occupational safety, etc. We actively enhance the strength and quality of staff.
Design Information Centre is affiliated to Smart Will Engineering Limited and Globe Sense Limited
我們的願景 : 在香港室內裝修及設計行業中持續成為領先及獨具特色的公司
我們的使命 : 建立高素質的服務團隊,為客戶創造更好的生活及商業環境,關顧有關人士及團體
我們的核心價值 :
-道德,分為兩方面。一是法律,即對法律及社會責任; 二是道德,即對人的道德 (對員工/自己/他人)
Design Information Centre have been established for more than 20 years, we always adhering to our vision, mission and core values to become a unique corporate management culture. The entire company pitched to practice consistently.
Our Vision : To be a sustained Leading and Distinct Company in interior design and contracting industry in Hong Kong
Our Mission : To build a competent service team for creating better living and commercial environment for clients and taking care of interested parties
Our Value :
Commitment: Manner, Leadership, Drive, Get it done, Goal Achievement
Sustainability: Survival & Growth
Ethics: Legal- to law/society; Moral-to people (to staff/yourself/others)
Caring: Make the interested parties better off (client/staff/shareholder/minority)
Creativity: Distinguish ourselves from others (dare to enable Growth)
Learning: Improvement, strengthening (explore to enable Growth)
三大 ISO 認證 Three ISO certifications:
駿志工程有限公司分公司(設計情報中心)獲得三大 ISO 國際認證,分別為質量管理體系 ISO 9001:2015、環境管理體系 ISO 14001:2015,以及職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 均符合國際標準,並根據國際管理體系嚴格標準營運。設計情報中心一直秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。
Design Information Centre received three international ISO certifications for Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018. They are in line with international standards and strict management system in accordance with international standards of operations. Design Information Centre has been adhering to the unity of team work spirit, continuous improvement, and advancement philosophy of governance, to provide customers with quality services
牌照保證 License guarantee:
「小型工程監管制度」已於2010年12月31日全面實施,根據《建築物(小型工程)規例》規定,如業主需要進行「小型工程監管制度」所規管的187項「小型工程」 ,承建商如要進行上述的「小型工程」必須先向屋宇署註冊為註冊小型工程承建商;如業主需進行相關「小型工程」,亦有責任選用屋宇署註冊小型工程承建商。而計情報中心已註冊為小型工程承建商「駿志工程有限公司」。(屋宇署註冊編號:MWC 4320/2011)進行相關裝修及小型工程,而無論泥水師傅、油漆師傅、電工師傅,抑或木工師傅,一律持有政府認可的合法牌照。公司亦替所有裝修員工購買相關勞工保險,確保一切工程合法安全。
"Minor works control system" was fully implemented in December 31, 2010, according to the Building ( Minor Works) Regulation, If owners hire unregistered contractors to perform the 187 items of building works included in Minor Works Control System, owners may incur liability. ; if the owners are in need of related "minor works", they are responsible for the selection of BD registered minor works contractors. Design Information Centre have registered as minor works contractors 「Smart Will Engineering Limited」(number of buildings department registration: MWC 4320/2011) to carry out all the renovation works, regardless of wet works builders, painting masters, electricians, or carpenters, they are all holders of government-approved legal licenses. Design Information Centre will furnish all employees with relevant labor insurance policies, to ensure that all projects are carried out legitimately with security.
本公司根據 ISO 的嚴格標準營運,秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。其中以保障客戶權益及保安理由,謝絕收取現金及謝絕轉帳到任何員工或設計師的私人戶口,包括任何優惠均不會要求客戶支付現金,客戶與設計師的私下交易,本公司恕不負責。員工守則規定設計師不可私下收取任何現金費用,亦不可要求客戶轉帳到其私人帳號,付款方式只限支票、信用卡或銀行轉帳至公司帳戶,支票抬頭請註明「豪迅有限公司」或「Globe Sense Limited」。請提交劃線支票及刪除「持票人 or Bearer」。
客戶若對公司的管理或員工的服務有任何意見,歡迎隨時提出,熱線電話:91365957 蕭生,閣下的寶貴意見有助我們精益求精,謝謝。
如客人對本公司有任何意見,可致電 969 888 69 Kevin Chan 或電郵至 : [email protected] 。
Thank you for all the customers support.
According to a strictly standard procedures of ISO, our company commits ourselves to provide a great quality service to our customer with excellence management concept. We also anchored in a strong bond and continuous to improve.
In order to protect the interests of customers and the security reason, our company staff or designers are prohibited to receive cash or money transfer to any personal account. Our company do not require customer to pay cash for any discount or promotion. we are not responsible for any private transaction between designer and customer.
Our company regulation for employees requires our designer cannot receive any cash or money transfer to their personal bank account. Payment method only by check, credit card or bank transfer to the company account. Checks payable to the " 豪迅有限公司" or Globe Sense limited", please summit crossed check and delete " holder or Bearer"
For any further comments to our company management or service, please calls us at 91365957 Mr Siu
We are appreciate for your most value opinion.
If customers have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 969 888 69 Kevin Chan or email : [email protected]
供應商相輔相成 Complementary Suppliers:
Indoor building materials suppliers are the best partners for interior designers. Design Information Centre, taking into account the interests of customers and employees, working closely with suppliers to achieve win-win situation. We understand that an honest approach to business is the only way to build mutual trust, and ultimately long-term benefit of both sides. Design Information Centre believes that healthy and positive operation attitude is maintained by good credit and sincerity.
專業設計團隊 Professional Design Team:
設計情報中心不但聘用高學歷及專業的設計人才,設計團隊更通過考核,取得 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系標準。另外,專業的設計團隊發揮無限創意,善用先進的電腦軟件如3D Studio Max、AutoCAD等,透過效果圖、3D立體圖、手繪圖為客戶度身訂造不同的設計方案。作為專業設計師一定要懂得「三心兩意」,三心就是「細心」、「盡心」和「真心」,而「兩意」就是利用誠意盡力令客人「滿意」。專業的設計團隊在大膽創新的同時,更會小心求證;以安全和配合人體工學為大前題,再根據客戶要求度身訂造不同的設計方案。
Design Information Centre will employ highly educated professional designers; the design team met the examination requirements and certification to obtain ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standards. In addition, our professional design team is very competent in using their creativity, and skills of advanced computer software such as Studio Max, AutoCAD etc., through renderings, three-dimensional maps, hand-painted sketches, we help different clients visualize our tailor-made designs. As professional designers, we understand the philosophy of "two minds and three hearts" in Chinese, “three hearts” meaning "careful", "dedicated" and "sincere" and "two minds" meaning “ good efforts” to get “customers' satisfaction”. Our professional design team will boldly introduce our creative concept, at the same time, we will carefully verify our proposals so that they will meet safety and ergonomics standard for large premises, and we are experienced in providing tailor-made designs according to customer requirements of different design projects.
三年免費結構保用 Three years Structure Warranty For Free:
Design Information Centre understood the life time value of the enterprise for customer, therefore the after-service for unit would be keep follow up after the projects , providing 3 years free warranty for residential design projects, meanwhile commercial design projects has a year of free structural warranty, all damages constitute by non-human has dedicated by specific department which offer free of charge for customer, in order to provide the most complete and quality of service.
免息分期 Interest-free installments:
設計情報中心財政穩健、信譽良好具規模,因而成功通過各大銀行的信貸審核,為客戶提供 12 / 24 / 36 個月各大銀行免息分期服務,不但能夠讓客戶更有系統地繳款,妥善理財之餘,同時反映出設計情報中心安全可靠。
Design Information Centre financially sound, reputable scale, which successfully passed the audit of credit banks, to provide customers with 12 / 24 / 36 months interest-free installments service banks, not only to give customers more payment systems to, while of good financial management, and reflects the design of safe and reliable of Design Information Centre.
一站式多元化服務 One-stop diversified services:
As a professional interior design company, Design Information Centre provides detailed design solutions and diversified services for customers to choose. In the past, decoration and furniture design were two all processes. When our clients require decoration services, they often have to search for the right material suppliers, engineering companies and design assistance; it is virtually a waste of their time and energy. Design Information Centre provides one-stop furniture and decoration services; it is a link and a centre point for the designers, decorators and material suppliers to get together. Designers will also provide attentive services according to different customer preferences and needs, they will help them choose the right materials, kitchenware, sanitary ware and curtains, etc., it saves our clients’ time to search around for the materials, and therefore, we strive to provide our client with convenient services.
專業查驗團隊 Professional inspection team:
Design Information Centre will always focus on quality control as well as quality assurance, all the construction process are under strict control to ensure that the projects are carried out properly from the start to completion, all processes are in line with quality standards. The inspection team of Design Information Centre inspects the various phases of progress in the project construction site with advanced equipment. In addition, our team will also check on the details of the agreement to make sure that they comply with all customer requirements, we hope that every project is perfectly completed when we handover the premises to our clients.
特設審圖部 The Special Plan Approval Department:
有了設計師大膽創新意念後,亦需要根據人體工學和安全性小心求證。因此設計情報中心特設審圖部,根據 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系國際指引,嚴格審閱相關的施工圖紙,評估設計的可行性和安全性,以確保現埸工序與圖紙吻合。
With innovative designs, we also need to verify carefully the ergonomics and safety requirements. Therefore, we have the special plan approval department to check that all plans and drawings are in good order according to ISO 9001:2015 international quality management system and guidelines. We also assess the feasibility and safety of the design to ensure that the site conditions are consistent with the drawings.
優質建材 High-quality materials:
環保己成為社會大趨勢,作為一間具前瞻性的公司,設計情報中心早己成功考取 ISO 14001:2015 環境管理體系認證。設計情報中心一直堅持使用堅固耐用和安全的高質素建材,配以先進精密機器製造傢俬。設計情報中心提供不同建材給客戶選擇,例如不含重金屬、不含有毒苯類溶剷(TVOC)和符合國際標準甲醛含量的環保油漆、E1或E2板等優質建材。客戶可按個人需要,選擇合適相宜的建材。
Environmental protection has become a social trend, as a forward-looking company, Design Information Centre has succeeded in obtaining ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system certification. Design Information Centre has insisted on using high quality, durable and safe materials, as well as advanced precision machinery manufacturing furniture. To cater for different customer needs, Design Information Centre also provides environmentally friendly, high-quality building materials to our customers. For example, we do not use any materials which contain heavy metals, we only specify and use non-toxic solvent benzene shovel (TVOC) and meet the international standard formaldehyde level environmentally friendly paint, E1 or E2 board high-quality building materials.
風水與室內設計 Feng Shui and Interior Design:
We have different types of fate and properties, to enhance personal fortune, we can wear specific types of clothes with the colors to bring about good luck and we can also arrange special household accessories to increase the positive energy in our houses. Design Information Centre with professional feng shui master, introduces and offers professional Feng Shui advice to the home design, and to ensure peace of mind for our clients, so that they will always be at ease.
度身打造主題兒童房 Tailored theme children's room:
Good environment can offer a far-reaching effect on children's growth, an ideal children's room is not just about the layout of a few pieces of cartoon furniture. It is a topic to be explored. Design Information Centre pays a lot of attention to the security aspect of their designs, space allocation, color combinations, and various aspects of psychological development of children, we strive to create high-quality living environment for children. Our professional designers will study the needs of children and psychological conditions at different age group, they will always use quality and safe building materials to create quality housing environment for children.
定期會議,檢討進程 Regular meetings to review the process:
Through regular meetings with company management level, it can review our current management policy. The meeting will also collect during different recommendations in order to improve the project. Once the problem is found, it need to make modifications to ensure that management policies with the times. In addition, project supervision and designers will be daily checks of the unit's work processes, viewing the situation in real terms during the project and progress. Meanwhile, the Engineering Department staff will inspect each time when photographed, customers via e-mail or fax informed of the progress, all open and transparent.
定期培訓 Regular trainings:
設計情報中心視員工為公司重要資產,不論是室內設計師、繪圖員、裝修服務隊,公司都會按照他們的需要提供定期培訓,例如行業技術及操守、設計資訊、ISO 培訓、職業安全等等,積極提升員工的實力與質素。
Company employees as an important asset for Design Information Centre , whether interior designers, draftsmen, decoration teams, companies will need to provide on a regular basis according to their training, such as industry, technology and ethics, design information, ISO training, occupational safety, etc. We actively enhance the strength and quality of staff.