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Quality design and services
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設計情報中心隸屬於駿志工程有限公司/豪迅工程有限公司 Design Information Centre is affiliated to Smart Will Engineering Limited and Globe Sense Limited 設計情報中心成立超過20年,一直秉承堅定的願景、使命及核心價值,成為獨特的公司管理文化。公司上下齊心實踐,貫徹始終。 我們的願景 : 在香港室內裝修及設計行業中持續成為領先及獨具特色的公司 我們的使命 : 建立高素質的服務團隊,為客戶創造更好的生活及商業環境,關顧有關人士及團體 我們的核心價值 : -決心,即正面態度、良好領導及管理、驅動力、有效地完成目標及成就 -可持續性,即在行業持續生存,以及自身的成長及發展 -道德,分為兩方面。一是法律,即對法律及社會責任; 二是道德,即對人的道德 (對員工/自己/他人) -關懷,即照顧有關人士,令他們變得更好,共同進步,關懷對象包括客戶、員工、股東、少數群體等 -創新,即創造及加大差異化,敢於挑戰以成長 -學習,即持續改善及進步,去探索及成長 Design Information Centre have been established for more than 20 years, we always adhering to our vision, mission and core values to become a unique corporate management culture. The entire company pitched to practice consistently. Our Vision : To be a sustained Leading and Distinct Company in interior design and contracting industry in Hong Kong Our Mission : To build a competent service team for creating better living and commercial environment for clients and taking care of interested parties Our Value : Commitment: Manner, Leadership, Drive, Get it done, Goal Achievement Sustainability: Survival & Growth Ethics: Legal- to law/society; Moral-to people (to staff/yourself/others) Caring: Make the interested parties better off (client/staff/shareholder/minority) Creativity: Distinguish ourselves from others (dare to enable Growth) Learning: Improvement, strengthening (explore to enable Growth) 三大 ISO 認證 Three ISO certifications: 駿志工程有限公司分公司(設計情報中心)獲得三大 ISO 國際認證,分別為質量管理體系 ISO 9001:2015、環境管理體系 ISO 14001:2015,以及職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 均符合國際標準,並根據國際管理體系嚴格標準營運。設計情報中心一直秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。 Design Information Centre received three international ISO certifications for Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018. They are in line with international standards and strict management system in accordance with international standards of operations. Design Information Centre has been adhering to the unity of team work spirit, continuous improvement, and advancement philosophy of governance, to provide customers with quality services 牌照保證 License guarantee: 「小型工程監管制度」已於2010年12月31日全面實施,根據《建築物(小型工程)規例》規定,如業主需要進行「小型工程監管制度」所規管的187項「小型工程」 ,承建商如要進行上述的「小型工程」必須先向屋宇署註冊為註冊小型工程承建商;如業主需進行相關「小型工程」,亦有責任選用屋宇署註冊小型工程承建商。而計情報中心已註冊為小型工程承建商「駿志工程有限公司」。(屋宇署註冊編號:MWC 4320/2011)進行相關裝修及小型工程,而無論泥水師傅、油漆師傅、電工師傅,抑或木工師傅,一律持有政府認可的合法牌照。公司亦替所有裝修員工購買相關勞工保險,確保一切工程合法安全。 "Minor works control system" was fully implemented in December 31, 2010, according to the Building ( Minor Works) Regulation, If owners hire unregistered contractors to perform the 187 items of building works included in Minor Works Control System, owners may incur liability. ; if the owners are in need of related "minor works", they are responsible for the selection of BD registered minor works contractors. Design Information Centre have registered as minor works contractors 「Smart Will Engineering Limited」(number of buildings department registration: MWC 4320/2011) to carry out all the renovation works, regardless of wet works builders, painting masters, electricians, or carpenters, they are all holders of government-approved legal licenses. Design Information Centre will furnish all employees with relevant labor insurance policies, to ensure that all projects are carried out legitimately with security. 本公司根據 ISO 的嚴格標準營運,秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。其中以保障客戶權益及保安理由,謝絕收取現金及謝絕轉帳到任何員工或設計師的私人戶口,包括任何優惠均不會要求客戶支付現金,客戶與設計師的私下交易,本公司恕不負責。員工守則規定設計師不可私下收取任何現金費用,亦不可要求客戶轉帳到其私人帳號,付款方式只限支票、信用卡或銀行轉帳至公司帳戶,支票抬頭請註明「豪迅有限公司」或「Globe Sense Limited」。請提交劃線支票及刪除「持票人 or Bearer」。 客戶若對公司的管理或員工的服務有任何意見,歡迎隨時提出,熱線電話:91365957 蕭生,閣下的寶貴意見有助我們精益求精,謝謝。 如客人對本公司有任何意見,可致電 969 888 69 Kevin Chan 或電郵至 : [email protected] 。 Thank you for all the customers support. According to a strictly standard procedures of ISO, our company commits ourselves to provide a great quality service to our customer with excellence management concept. We also anchored in a strong bond and continuous to improve. In order to protect the interests of customers and the security reason, our company staff or designers are prohibited to receive cash or money transfer to any personal account. Our company do not require customer to pay cash for any discount or promotion. we are not responsible for any private transaction between designer and customer. Our company regulation for employees requires our designer cannot receive any cash or money transfer to their personal bank account. Payment method only by check, credit card or bank transfer to the company account. Checks payable to the " 豪迅有限公司" or Globe Sense limited", please summit crossed check and delete " holder or Bearer" For any further comments to our company management or service, please calls us at 91365957 Mr Siu We are appreciate for your most value opinion. If customers have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 969 888 69 Kevin Chan or email : [email protected] 供應商相輔相成 Complementary Suppliers: 室內建材供應商是室內設計行業不能或缺的合作伙伴。設計情報中心在顧及客戶和員工利益的同時,亦旨在與供應商達至雙贏局面。本公司明白到以誠實的手法經營,才能建立互信關係,最終雙方都能長遠獲益。設計情報中心相信只有保持信用與誠懇,才是健康正面的營運態度。 Indoor building materials suppliers are the best partners for interior designers. Design Information Centre, taking into account the interests of customers and employees, working closely with suppliers to achieve win-win situation. We understand that an honest approach to business is the only way to build mutual trust, and ultimately long-term benefit of both sides. Design Information Centre believes that healthy and positive operation attitude is maintained by good credit and sincerity. 專業設計團隊 Professional Design Team: 設計情報中心不但聘用高學歷及專業的設計人才,設計團隊更通過考核,取得 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系標準。另外,專業的設計團隊發揮無限創意,善用先進的電腦軟件如3D Studio Max、AutoCAD等,透過效果圖、3D立體圖、手繪圖為客戶度身訂造不同的設計方案。作為專業設計師一定要懂得「三心兩意」,三心就是「細心」、「盡心」和「真心」,而「兩意」就是利用誠意盡力令客人「滿意」。專業的設計團隊在大膽創新的同時,更會小心求證;以安全和配合人體工學為大前題,再根據客戶要求度身訂造不同的設計方案。 Design Information Centre will employ highly educated professional designers; the design team met the examination requirements and certification to obtain ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standards. In addition, our professional design team is very competent in using their creativity, and skills of advanced computer software such as Studio Max, AutoCAD etc., through renderings, three-dimensional maps, hand-painted sketches, we help different clients visualize our tailor-made designs. As professional designers, we understand the philosophy of "two minds and three hearts" in Chinese, “three hearts” meaning "careful", "dedicated" and "sincere" and "two minds" meaning “ good efforts” to get “customers' satisfaction”. Our professional design team will boldly introduce our creative concept, at the same time, we will carefully verify our proposals so that they will meet safety and ergonomics standard for large premises, and we are experienced in providing tailor-made designs according to customer requirements of different design projects. 三年免費結構保用 Three years Structure Warranty For Free: 設計情報中心明白客人對企業的終生價值,因此對完工後的單位仍然盡心跟進,為住宅設計項目提供三年免費結構保用,商業設計項目亦有一年免費結構保用,所有非人為而構成的破損均有專責部門免費為客戶維修,務求提供最完善的優質服務。 Design Information Centre understood the life time value of the enterprise for customer, therefore the after-service for unit would be keep follow up after the projects , providing 3 years free warranty for residential design projects, meanwhile commercial design projects has a year of free structural warranty, all damages constitute by non-human has dedicated by specific department which offer free of charge for customer, in order to provide the most complete and quality of service. 免息分期 Interest-free installments: 設計情報中心財政穩健、信譽良好具規模,因而成功通過各大銀行的信貸審核,為客戶提供 12 / 24 / 36 個月各大銀行免息分期服務,不但能夠讓客戶更有系統地繳款,妥善理財之餘,同時反映出設計情報中心安全可靠。 Design Information Centre financially sound, reputable scale, which successfully passed the audit of credit banks, to provide customers with 12 / 24 / 36 months interest-free installments service banks, not only to give customers more payment systems to, while of good financial management, and reflects the design of safe and reliable of Design Information Centre. 一站式多元化服務 One-stop diversified services: 作為一家專業室內設計公司,設計情報中心設想周到,提供多元化服務供顧客選擇。在以往裝修工程及傢俬設計,工序全都是分開的,客人需要裝修設計時,往往都要到處搜尋物料公司、工程公司和設計公司的協助,無形中浪費了他們的時間和體力。設計情報中心所提供一站式傢俬連裝修服務,將設計師,裝修師傳以及物料供應商聯合起來。設計師亦會提供貼心的代客服務,按照不同客戶喜好和需要,選擇合適的物料,廚具、潔具和窗簾等等,省卻客人四出搜尋物料的時間,為顧客提供方便的服務。 As a professional interior design company, Design Information Centre provides detailed design solutions and diversified services for customers to choose. In the past, decoration and furniture design were two all processes. When our clients require decoration services, they often have to search for the right material suppliers, engineering companies and design assistance; it is virtually a waste of their time and energy. Design Information Centre provides one-stop furniture and decoration services; it is a link and a centre point for the designers, decorators and material suppliers to get together. Designers will also provide attentive services according to different customer preferences and needs, they will help them choose the right materials, kitchenware, sanitary ware and curtains, etc., it saves our clients’ time to search around for the materials, and therefore, we strive to provide our client with convenient services. 專業查驗團隊 Professional inspection team: 設計情報中心不但注重QC品質控制,更著重QA品質保證,所以在施工過程都有嚴格監控,確保工程由施工開始到完成的過程,都符合質量標準。設計情報中心的查驗團隊利用先進儀器,於工程期間分階段到各個施工現場檢查工程進度。此外,亦會檢查協議書上的每項細則均合符客戶要求,務求盡善盡美,希望每個單位都能以最佳狀態交樓。 Design Information Centre will always focus on quality control as well as quality assurance, all the construction process are under strict control to ensure that the projects are carried out properly from the start to completion, all processes are in line with quality standards. The inspection team of Design Information Centre inspects the various phases of progress in the project construction site with advanced equipment. In addition, our team will also check on the details of the agreement to make sure that they comply with all customer requirements, we hope that every project is perfectly completed when we handover the premises to our clients. 特設審圖部 The Special Plan Approval Department: 有了設計師大膽創新意念後,亦需要根據人體工學和安全性小心求證。因此設計情報中心特設審圖部,根據 ISO 9001:2015 質量管理體系國際指引,嚴格審閱相關的施工圖紙,評估設計的可行性和安全性,以確保現埸工序與圖紙吻合。 With innovative designs, we also need to verify carefully the ergonomics and safety requirements. Therefore, we have the special plan approval department to check that all plans and drawings are in good order according to ISO 9001:2015 international quality management system and guidelines. We also assess the feasibility and safety of the design to ensure that the site conditions are consistent with the drawings. 優質建材 High-quality materials: 環保己成為社會大趨勢,作為一間具前瞻性的公司,設計情報中心早己成功考取 ISO 14001:2015 環境管理體系認證。設計情報中心一直堅持使用堅固耐用和安全的高質素建材,配以先進精密機器製造傢俬。設計情報中心提供不同建材給客戶選擇,例如不含重金屬、不含有毒苯類溶剷(TVOC)和符合國際標準甲醛含量的環保油漆、E1或E2板等優質建材。客戶可按個人需要,選擇合適相宜的建材。 Environmental protection has become a social trend, as a forward-looking company, Design Information Centre has succeeded in obtaining ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system certification. Design Information Centre has insisted on using high quality, durable and safe materials, as well as advanced precision machinery manufacturing furniture. To cater for different customer needs, Design Information Centre also provides environmentally friendly, high-quality building materials to our customers. For example, we do not use any materials which contain heavy metals, we only specify and use non-toxic solvent benzene shovel (TVOC) and meet the international standard formaldehyde level environmentally friendly paint, E1 or E2 board high-quality building materials. 風水與室內設計 Feng Shui and Interior Design: 人總有不同的命格和屬性,假若要提升個人運勢,除了配合穿戴的色彩和吉祥物品,亦可以家居佈置將其催旺。設計情報中心備有專業的風水師傅,為客人提供專業意見,將風水融入家居設計中,務求令居者住得安心放心。 We have different types of fate and properties, to enhance personal fortune, we can wear specific types of clothes with the colors to bring about good luck and we can also arrange special household accessories to increase the positive energy in our houses. Design Information Centre with professional feng shui master, introduces and offers professional Feng Shui advice to the home design, and to ensure peace of mind for our clients, so that they will always be at ease. 度身打造主題兒童房 Tailored theme children's room: 環境對小朋友的成長可謂影響深遠,一間理想的兒童房並不只是擺幾件卡通的兒童家具就可以,箇中大有學問。設計情報中心能從安全考慮,空間分配,顏色配搭以及兒童心理發展各方面著手,為兒童創造優質的居住環境。專業設計師針對於不同成長階段兒童的需要和心理狀況,利用優質安全的建材,為兒童創造優質居所。 Good environment can offer a far-reaching effect on children's growth, an ideal children's room is not just about the layout of a few pieces of cartoon furniture. It is a topic to be explored. Design Information Centre pays a lot of attention to the security aspect of their designs, space allocation, color combinations, and various aspects of psychological development of children, we strive to create high-quality living environment for children. Our professional designers will study the needs of children and psychological conditions at different age group, they will always use quality and safe building materials to create quality housing environment for children. 定期會議,檢討進程 Regular meetings to review the process: 公司透過定期會議與管理層檢討企業現時管理政策,會議期間亦會收集高層對工程改善提出的建議,一旦發現問題時作出修改,確保管理政策能夠與時並進。除此之外,工程監督及設計師會每天會檢查各單位的工作進程,檢視工程期間的實質情況及進度。同時,工程部同事會在每次檢查工程時拍下照片,客人可透過電郵或傳真了解工程進度,一切公開透明。 Through regular meetings with company management level, it can review our current management policy. The meeting will also collect during different recommendations in order to improve the project. Once the problem is found, it need to make modifications to ensure that management policies with the times. In addition, project supervision and designers will be daily checks of the unit's work processes, viewing the situation in real terms during the project and progress. Meanwhile, the Engineering Department staff will inspect each time when photographed, customers via e-mail or fax informed of the progress, all open and transparent. 定期培訓 Regular trainings: 設計情報中心視員工為公司重要資產,不論是室內設計師、繪圖員、裝修服務隊,公司都會按照他們的需要提供定期培訓,例如行業技術及操守、設計資訊、ISO 培訓、職業安全等等,積極提升員工的實力與質素。 Company employees as an important asset for Design Information Centre , whether interior designers, draftsmen, decoration teams, companies will need to provide on a regular basis according to their training, such as industry, technology and ethics, design information, ISO training, occupational safety, etc. We actively enhance the strength and quality of staff. |
Corporate management culture
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顧客為尊 Respecting our customers: 優秀的室內設計是從設計師與業主之間的溝通互動而開始,人與人之間,第一印象往往是互動成敗的關鍵,當客戶喜歡你時,才能信任你,把自己的問題和想法告訴你,所以合宜的打扮、自信的微笑和專業的知識缺一不可。事實上,以客為尊、真切了解顧客一直是設計情報中心的待客之道。相信小心判斷、找出顧客心中真正的需要,並常思考滿足顧客的方案才是致勝法門。除了整體規劃、平面設計之外,當中有很多細節問題需要處理,而如何整理資料更是相當重要,並需要為業主充分考慮其未考慮的部分。 Excellent interior design is starting from designer and owner interaction and communication at the beginning. The first impression is often the key to success, when customers like you and trust you; they will tell the designer their own questions and ideas. So appropriate dress, confident smile and professional knowledge are indispensable. In fact, customer-oriented, real understanding of the customer has been designed hospitality. Believe that careful judge, to find out the real needs of the customer in mind, and often think about the customer’s need can win the customer satisfaction. In addition to the overall planning, graphic design, the details of every issue and how to organize information is very important, and need to consider more than the property owner. 本公司根據 ISO 的嚴格標準營運,秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。其中以保障客戶權益及保安理由,謝絕收取現金及謝絕轉帳到任何員工或設計師的私人戶口,包括任何優惠均不會要求客戶支付現金,客戶與設計師的私下交易,本公司恕不負責。員工守則規定設計師不可私下收取任何現金費用,亦不可要求客戶轉帳到其私人帳號,付款方式只限支票、信用卡或銀行轉帳至公司帳戶,支票抬頭請註明「豪迅有限公司」或「Globe Sense Limited」。請提交劃線支票及刪除「持票人 or Bearer」。 客戶若對公司的管理或員工的服務有任何意見,歡迎隨時提出,熱線電話:91365957 蕭生,閣下的寶貴意見有助我們精益求精,謝謝。 如客人對本公司有任何意見,可致電 6968 9998 Kevin Chan 或電郵至 : [email protected] 。 Thank you for all the customers support. According to a strictly standard procedures of ISO, our company commits ourselves to provide a great quality service to our customer with excellence management concept. We also anchored in a strong bond and continuous to improve. In order to protect the interests of customers and the security reason, our company staff or designers are prohibited to receive cash or money transfer to any personal account. Our company do not require customer to pay cash for any discount or promotion. we are not responsible for any private transaction between designer and customer. Our company regulation for employees requires our designer cannot receive any cash or money transfer to their personal bank account. Payment method only by check, credit card or bank transfer to the company account. Checks payable to the " 豪迅有限公司" or Globe Sense limited", please summit crossed check and delete " holder or Bearer" For any further comments to our company management or service, please calls us at 91365957 Mr Siu. We are appreciate for your most value opinion. If customers have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 6968 9998 Kevin Chan or email : [email protected] 關愛下屬 Care for Subordinates: 室內設計工程並不能單憑個人力量便能完成的工作,工程的成敗取決於團隊精神。因此設計情報中心視員工為重要資產,我們除了注重員工專業技能和知識外,更重視他們的心理質素。每個人都會有遇到困難的時候,設計團隊也不例外。透過定時跟員工傾談,了解他們工作上所面對的壓力及困難,增強他們對公司的歸屬感,使設計情報中心成為員工心目中第二個「家」。設計情報中心深信透過持續溝通,能夠融化公司和員工之間的隔膜,建立一個團結和快樂的團隊。 Personal power cannot complete the work and project success depends on teamwork. Therefore, the designers in Design Information Centre are an important asset. Our employees not only focus on professional skills and knowledge, they pay more attention to their psychological quality. Each person will have difficulties and the design team is no exception. Through the regular chat about their work, understanding their pressure and difficulties and enhance their sense of belonging to the company. In the eyes of employees, Design Information Center is their second "home." Design Information Centre believes that through continuous communication, to thaw the gap between companies and employees, to create a cohesive and happy team. 供應商相輔相成 Complementary suppliers: 室內建材供應商是室內設計行業不能或缺的合作伙伴。設計情報中心在顧及客戶和員工利益的同時,亦旨在與供應商達至雙贏局面。本公司明白到以誠實的手法經營,才能建立互信關係,最終雙方都能長遠獲益。設計情報中心相信只有保持信用與誠懇,才是健康正面的營運態度。 Indoor building materials suppliers are unable or lack of interior design industry partners. Design Information Centre, taking into accounts the interests of customers and employees, while also designed to work with suppliers to achieve win-win situation. We understand that an honest approach to business is the key to build mutual trust, and it is ultimately long-term benefit for every party. Design Information Centre believes that only by maintaining credit and sincere, positive working attitude is healthy. 抱持正氣 Holding our righteousness: 成功從來沒有捷徑與僥倖這回事,只要有正確的信念──助人自助──便能使員工上下一心,同時享受工作。助人自助的意思是:幫助自己克服困難、減壓、面對困難並提升自己,幫助別人解決問題,以及愛護家人。只要認為信念是正確就會一直堅持、或去保護這個信念,即使有人質疑『它』,亦都不會有半點動搖,直至達到目標為止。 Shortcut to success and luck has never been such thing, as long as the right of self-reliance belief ─ will make employees work together in harmony, while enjoying the work. Means of self-reliance: to help themselves to overcome difficulties, stress reduction, and solve their own difficulties, to help others solve problems, and care for their families. As long as that belief incorrect will always insisted, or to protect the faith, even if some people question the "it", also will not have the slightest wavering, until the goal is reached. 從善如流 Good advice: 同一件事,每個人的看法都會有不同,員工與老闆站在不同的立場,看法更有距離。所以,設計情報中心選擇從善如流,會在適當的時候讓員工表達他們對公司和工作的看法,甚至讓他們參與決策、鼓勵他們發表意見、提出可行的改進方案,這樣除了有助提升他們工作質素外,更能培養員工對公司的歸屬感。 The same thing, everyone will have different views from the staff and the boss standing in different positions, views and distance. Therefore, Design Information Centre choose “good advice” at the appropriate time for employees to express their views on the company and work, and even allow them to participate in decision-making and encourage them to express their views and put forward feasible improvement program, this will not only help improve the quality of their work outside, helps train employees on the company's sense of belonging. 終生學習 Lifelong learning: 「面對困難,不斷吸收及提升自己,才是解決問題的最佳方法。」故此,在設計情報中心的管理策略中,不論是室內設計師、繪圖員、裝修服務隊,一直樂於協助和指導設計師,提供完善的培訓,鼓勵他們終生學習,歷年來亦培育了不少設計專才。即使設計情報中心內每位員工都具有一定的資歷和技巧,但仍會透過不同的課程及講座,提升員工的知識技能,以及加強顧客對公司的信心。更重要的是,企業灌輸員工養成「多思考、每事問、處事待人正氣」的精神,鼓勵他們每天思考及檢討,並抱持積極樂觀的面態度做事。 "Facing difficulties, try to absorb knowledge and improve self-ability, is the best way to solve the problem." Therefore, in the Design Information Centre’s management strategy, whether it is interior designer, draftsman, and decoration service teams have been willing to assist and guide designers, providing comprehensive training, encourage them to lifelong learning, and over the years has nurtured many design professionals. Even if employee has certain qualifications and skills, but Design Information Centre still through different courses and seminars to enhance staff knowledge and skills in order to enhance customer confidence to the company. More importantly, instill corporate employees to become "more thought, every thing asked, doing things others righteousness," the spirit, encourage them to think and review every day, and hold a positive and optimistic attitude towards work surface. 賞罰分明 Reward and punishment: 設計情報中心對所有員工賞罰分明,不時給予提醒及適度的賞罰,並設有問責制,員工日常的工作表現會列入晉升的考慮條件之一,藉此培養員工勇於承擔的工作態度。另外,設計情報中心的設計師及各部門每星期皆會舉行會議,加上每月一次的檢討會及每年兩次的評估,致力改善服務及檢討工作進度。定期會議給予員工提出意見想法的機會,藉此交流心得及解決遇上的困難,使工作更有效率,從而確保服務質素。 Design Information Centre have the reward and punishment system for all the staff, from time to time to give advice and appropriate reward and punishment, and with accountability, employees will be included in the daily performance of a condition of consideration for promotion, to develop the courage to undertake the work attitude of employees. In addition, Design Information Centre’s designers and departments will hold meetings all week, plus once a month and twice-yearly review of the assessment will be committed to improving services and review progress. Regular meetings to give employees the opportunity to comment ideas, to exchange ideas and solve the difficulty, so that work more efficiently to ensure quality of service. 《綜合管理政策》"Integrated Management Policy" 設計情報中心獲得三大 ISO 國際認證,分別為質量管理體系 ISO 9001:2015、環境管理體系 ISO 14001:2015,以及職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 均符合國際標準,並根據國際管理體系嚴格標準營運。 設計情報中心特意根據質量、環保、職安健、客戶服務和投訴處理的綜合管理體系制訂《綜合管理政策》,要求各級員工認真執行,致力提供優質,安全,專業的服務。 值得一提的是,香港品質管理局(HKQAA) 會每半年對公司進行監督審核,三年後換證時更需重新進行認證程序,合格後方能取得繼續批核認證。而能夠擁有兩大 ISO 國際品質認證,不但說明企業的實力與毅力,更是冠絕同儕。 Design Information Centre received three international ISO certification for quality management systems are ISO 9001:2015,Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018 are in line with international standards and strict management system in accordance with international standards of operation. Design Information center specifically designed based on quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health, customer service and complaint handling developed a comprehensive management system "integrated management" policy, employees at all levels conscientiously implemented, is committed to providing high quality, safe and professional service. It is worth mentioning that the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) every six months to monitor the company’s audit, three years later when replacement is even morale-certification process, continue to be achieved after passing the approval certificate. And to have two ISO international quality certification, not only illustrating the strength and perseverance, but also ranks first among peers. 設計情報中心宗旨是提供室內設計和裝修服務,為客戶創造符合法例和舒適滿意的室內環境。我們的設計和裝修工程組盡心致力提供令客戶滿意的高質、依期的設計和裝修服務,並提供有效的客戶服務。我們更盡力在施工過程中預防污染和節省能源,為保護環境出一分力。此外,我們亦重視職業健康和安全,並致力防止工傷和對所有受本公司運作影響的人士之健康的損害。本公司更致力尋求持續改進,鞏固和提升服務水平,令客戶更加稱心滿意。為落實這個綜合管理政策,我們採用 ISO 9001:2015、ISO 14001:2015 和 ISO 45001:2018 標準作基礎,制訂一套質量、環保、 職安健和客戶服務的綜合管理體系。另外,我們根據這綜合政策,訂下與質量、環保、 職安健和客戶服務的目標,作為量度綜合管理體系的表現。各級員工和分判商須要全心支持公司的綜合管理體系,並全力認真執行。 (版號:05) Design Information Centre aims to provide the service of Interior Design and Fitting Out Works for creating a comfortable interior environment for our client, and to their satisfaction, also to meet the statutory requirement. Our design and fitting out team commit to provide satisfactory interior design, high quality workmanship and on time project completion, for our client. In addition, we provide an effective customer service to enhance customer satisfaction. We endeavor to achieve pollution prevention and energy saving for the well being of the environment. Furthermore, we consider the occupational health and safety are of paramount importance, and ensure a safe working environment is always maintained, and commit to prevent injury and ill health to all parties affected by our operation.Our company also commits itself to make persistent effort for continual improvement in order to sustain and up-grade the level of service and customer satisfaction. This policy to be realized through the implementation of an Integrated Management System based on the International Standard ISO 9001:2015、ISO 14001:2015 和 ISO 45001:2018. We establish a set of objectives in relation to Quality, Environment Protection, OH&S, and Customer Service. The objectives are used to measure the implementation performance of the Integrated Management System. Adherence to the requirements of the Integrated Management System is mandatory. All staff shall ensure that the approved procedures relevant to their duties are observed, and the subcontractors are corporate to achieve our goals. (Version: 05) (1) 質量管理體系 ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 設計情報中心分別於室內設計及裝修工程上,成功考取質量管理體系ISO 9001:2015。在溝通、管理評審、持續改進、客戶意見調查、不合格事項的管制、糾正和預防措拖、內部審核和培訓各方面,制訂一系列工作指引,以加強運作效率及提高公司的設計和裝修服務的質素。設計情報中心秉承持續改善的宗旨,要求管理層不斷對綜合管理政策尋求改進機會。即使對現行過程的效率滿意,亦須持續尋求改善機會,提升公司效率以及服務質素。 Design Information Centre was in interior design and renovation projects, successfully obtaining quality management system ISO 9001:2015. In the communication, management review, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction surveys, unqualified matter control, corrective and preventive measures drag, all aspects of internal audit and training to develop a series of operational guidelines in order to enhance operational efficiency and improve the company's design and decoration services quality. Design Information Centre adhering to the purpose of continuous improvement, requires management to continuously improve the integrated management policies for the opportunity. Even if the satisfaction of the current efficiency of the process must continue to seek improvement opportunities, enhance the company’s efficiency and service quality. (2) 職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018 作為一家良心企業,設計情報中心盡力為員工營造「零事故」的工作環境,希望在保障員工安全的同時,亦讓員工感覺被受重視,加強對公司的歸屬感。有見及此,設計情報中心成功考取職業健康安全管理體系 ISO 45001:2018 ISO國際指引,並制定一系列安全守則,如:工作台及圍欄守則、電力安全守則、高空工作安全守則、木工機械之操作安全守則等,為員工締造一個安全放心的工作環境。 As a conscientious business, Design Information Centre try to create a "zero accident" for employees working environment, hoping to protect their safety, they also make employees feel valued is to strengthen the company's sense of belonging. In view of this, the success of obtaining Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001:2018 ISO international guidelines, and to develop a series of safety rules, such as: working table and fence codes, electrical safety codes, working at height safety rules, woodworking machinery the operating safety codes for employees to create a safe and secure work environment. 為確保各員工和前線服務隊清楚了解公司的職安健政策,設計情報中心向員工提供安全培訓,內容包括:職安健法例要求、地盤安全法例要求、危機管理、安全管理和意外調查方法等,以鞏固和提高企業各階層對職安健文化的重要性。 To ensure that all staff and front-line teams a clear understanding of the company's OSH policy, Design Information Centre provide employees with safety training, including: occupational safety and health legal requirements, site safety legislative requirements, risk management, safety management and accident investigation methods, to consolidate and improve all levels of staff the importance of OSH policy. (3) 環境管理體系 Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 由於減少追求﹑減少無害﹑減少污染已成為當今人們生活的主流趨勢,設計情報中心快人一步,成功考取ISO 14001:2015環境管理體系標準作好準備,此標準是由國際標準化組織(ISO)制訂,主要針對全球環境污染和生態破壞等問題,依據國際經濟貿易發展的需要而制定。考取 ISO 14001:2015 環境管理體系的公司需以環境、防止污染和社會經濟需求為基礎,並有效控制經營、產品和服務對環境的影響。 設計情報中心積極尋找各種新興、符合環保標準的物料,如環保油漆、可循環再用低污染的建材、使用具歐盟環保標準的材質製造傢俬,更會在原料採購、生產過程、產品使用中對環境所造成的破壞加以嚴格控制,實踐對環境保護的承諾。 此外,環境管理體系亦包括能源及物料回收監察系統、減少廢物和提高工序效率,從而節省成本和提高生產力。 As the pursuit of non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free environment has become an increasing trend in people's lives, Design Information Centre has quickly obtained the environmental management system standard of ISO 14001:2015 to get prepared ahead. The standard is issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) according to the need of international trade development, and is mainly used for monitoring global environmental pollution, ecological destruction and other issues. Companies that obtain the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system need to have a basis in pollution prevention and socioeconomic needs, and are able to control the impact on the environment by its operations, products and services. Design Information Centre is actively looking for new materials that are up to environmental standard, such as green paint, clean recyclable building materials. We also manufacture furniture using materials within the EU environmental standard. We also strictly control the process of raw material procurement, production processes and any negative impact caused by usage of products, in order to fulfil our commitment to environmental protection. In addition, the environmental management system also includes energy and material recovery monitoring system, waste reduction and increase in efficiency, thereby saving costs and improve productivity. |
Awards and Glory
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成功掛牌上市 Successfully Listed 設計情報中心於2017年以禮建德集團控股有限公司之名於香港聯合交易所掛牌上市(股份編號:8455),為公司建立了一個新的里程碑。成功上市並不代表公司發展止步於此,這反而是讓公司繼續更上一層樓的催化劑。公司員工於分享這份喜悅的同時,亦會不忘初心,繼續秉承公司的六大核心價值:「堅守承諾、持續發展、企業責任、關懷社會、創意、終身學習」。 Design Information Centre was listed on the HKEX under the name of Lai Group Holding Company Limited in 2017 (Stock Code: 8455), which is a new milestone of the company. Being successfully listed does not mean that the company’s development will stop here, it is a catalyst for the company’s further improvement. The staff of the company share the joy and keep the faith at the same time, they keep adhering to the 6 core values of the company: commitment, sustainable development, corporate responsibility, caring for the society, creativity, lifelong learning. 榮獲各大獎項 Awards Winning 設計情報中心致力追求優質管理和嚴謹監管項目,務求提供最優質的服務予顧客。所以公司的管理和服務不但得到客戶的讚揚,更獲得了不同獎項評審委員的認可。讓設計情報中心在過去數年間囊括了多個不同的獎項,包括2018年考獲的HKMA Quality Award「中型企業特別獎」、2017年獲得的「卓越至尊室內設計及裝修團隊品牌大獎」等,這些獎項既增強了客戶對公司的信心,亦是各方對設計情報中心莫大的肯定。 Design Information Centre tries its best to chase for high quality management and strict project supervision, in order to provide the best quality service to our customers. So the management and service not only get the appreciations from our customers, but also the recognitions from different award judges. Design Information Centre had won many different awards in the past few years, including the Special Award for SMEs of HKMA Quality Award in 2018, Metro Awards for Band Excellence in 2017 etc., these awards increase the confidence of the customers to the company, and they are the recognitions to Design Information Centre from different parties. |
Company Activities
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「Have Fun」文化 ‘Have Fun’ Culture 設計情報中心提倡「Have Fun」文化,鼓勵員工於工作同時,要作適當的休憩娛樂活動。故公司不時為員工舉辦各類型康樂及體育活動,以提升員工對公司的歸屬感,及加強員工的身心健康。讓員工在努力工作後,能有一個輕鬆愉快的餘暇時間,做到真正的「Work hard, play hard」。 Design Information Centre promotes ‘Have Fun’ culture, encouraging the staff to work and have proper resting entertainment activities at the same time. So the company often launches different types of recreational and sports activities for the staff to boost the sense of belongings of the staff towards the company, and strengthen the staff’s physical and mental health. So that after the hard work, the staff can enjoy a relaxing and happy leisure time, achieving ‘Work hard, play hard’. 定期晚宴及小組會議 Regular Dinner and Group Meeting 室內設計行業需要與時並進,創新求變以迎合客戶的要求。所以公司會定期舉行員工例會晚宴及小組會議,讓各部門的負責人齊聚一堂分享新構思和檢討各項問題。設計總監陳禮善先生亦會在場鼓勵員工同心協力、積極向上面對一切困難。此等歡聚能增加員工之間的溝通和默契,更能團結各方,眾志成城。 The interior design industry has to keep abreast of time, be creative and flexible to satisfy the customers’ demands. So the company regularly launches staff dinners and group meetings, let the persons in charge from different departments meet and share new ideas, as well as review various problems. Mr. Kevin Chan, the Creative Director, also there to encourage the staff to work together, and be passionate to face all problems. These gatherings can enhance the communication and teamwork between the staff, and unify all the people. United, we are strong as a fortress. |
Interior Design Tips
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本公司根據ISO的嚴格標準營運,秉承上下一心,持續改善,精益求精的管治理念,向客戶提供優質服務。其中以保障客戶權益及保安理由,謝絕收取現金及謝絕轉帳到任何員工或設計師的私人戶口,包括任何優惠均不會要求客戶支付現金,客戶與設計師的私下交易,本公司恕不負責。員工守則規定設計師不可私下收取任何現金費用,亦不可要求客戶轉帳到其私人帳號,付款方式只限支票、信用卡或銀行轉帳至公司帳戶,支票抬頭請註明「豪迅有限公司」或「Globe Sense Limited」。請提交劃線支票及刪除「持票人 or Bearer」。 客戶若對公司的管理或員工的服務有任何意見,歡迎隨時提出,熱線電話:91365957 蕭生,閣下的寶貴意見有助我們精益求精,謝謝。 如客人對本公司有任何意見,可致電 6968 9998 Kevin Chan 或電郵至 : [email protected] 。 Thank you for all the customers support. According to a strictly standard procedures of ISO, our company commits ourselves to provide a great quality service to our customer with excellence management concept. We also anchored in a strong bond and continuous to improve. In order to protect the interests of customers and the security reason, our company staff or designers are prohibited to receive cash or money transfer to any personal account. Our company do not require customer to pay cash for any discount or promotion. we are not responsible for any private transaction between designer and customer. Our company regulation for employees requires our designer cannot receive any cash or money transfer to their personal bank account. Payment method only by check, credit card or bank transfer to the company account. Checks payable to the " 豪迅有限公司" or Globe Sense limited", please summit crossed check and delete " holder or Bearer" For any further comments to our company management or service, please calls us at 91365957 Mr Siu. We are appreciate for your most value opinion. If customers have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 6968 9998 Kevin Chan or email : [email protected] 裝修前六項準備: 1) 保護財產:在正式踏入重要的裝修階段,若是舊樓重新裝修的單位,設計情報中心會代客搬運單位原有的傢俬,存放於可信的暫托貨倉內,致力保護客人的重要財產。 1) Protection of property: when entering the key stage of decoration, if it renovated the old buildings, Design Information Center will be valet handling units of the original furniture, stored in warehouses in the occasional trusted, committed to protecting customers an important property. 2) 免費驗收單位:若單位為新樓盤,本公司更可提供免費驗收新樓的服務,清楚檢查地板水平、牆身平滑度、房門及地腳線裝嶔及漏水的問題,讓客人能即時向發展商提出問題,以免阻礙整個裝修過程,設計師亦會初步為傢俬度尺。 2) Free Inspecting Unit: If the unit is new properties, Design Information Center also provides services free of charge inspecting the new unit, well checking the floor level, wall smoothness, door and foot wire-bound and water leakage problems. So that customers can immediately questions to the developers in order to not hinder the entire renovation process. The designer will also provide the initial degree of scale for the furniture. 3) 保護原有設施:若客戶選擇保留原裝地板,以防裝修及搬運過程中磨損地板,公司會致力保護客戶的財產,在地板面先鋪上珍珠棉,再以1分厚的夾板封面,在近地腳線的位置貼上縐紋膠紙(不會破壞木板)封邊,沙粒及塵埃均不會滲入木板中。至於發展商提供的原裝電器及廚廁的嶄新儲物櫃,均一概以珍珠棉封卻,作出徹底保護,所有冷氣封卻,防止木碎及沙塵吹進機內,以免影響客戶的健康。 3) Protection of existing facilities: If customers choose to retain the original flooring, decoration and removal process to prevent wear and tear the floor, the company is committed to protecting the customer's property, on the floor face first covered with pearl cotton, then a sub-thick plywood cover, in location near the foot line labeled crepe tape (not damage wood) edge, sand and dust will not penetrate the wood. As the original developers to provide new electrical appliances and kitchen and toilet lockers are sealed be any EPE is made completely protected all the air seal is to prevent the wood pieces and dust blown into the machine, so as not to affect the customer's health. 4) 親身選材:設計師親身與顧客選購一切與工程有關的材料,包括:牆紙、油漆、瓷磚及廚廁潔具等,集合雙方的意見,營造出最稱心的居室。 4) Personal selection: designers and customers will purchase all materials related to projects together, including: wallpaper, paint, tile and kitchen and toilet ware, a collection of views of both sides, creating a most satisfactory of the room. 5) 訂下進度表:當一切準備好後,設計師便會與客人訂下正式的製作圖、工程的進度保證,確保一切事宜均在客戶的知情及掌握之中,增強對公司的信任。 5) Set the schedule: When everything is ready, designers and customers will have a formal plan-making in order to ensure the progress of works to ensure that all matters are in the hands of the customer’s. It also increase the customer confident towards the company. 6) 內部審核:公司會定期委派內部審核員,根據 ISO 國際指引,審核設計師之工作是否附合工作指引。 6) Internal Audit: Design Information Center will appoint internal auditors periodically, according to ISO international guidelines; audit the work whether is fulfill the guidelines or not. 裝修四步曲 Four Steps of decoration: 1.計劃 當接獲設計及裝修合約,公司負責人便會指派設計師負責該項目,設計師須審閱與設計有關資料,按客戶提供草圖、設計內容記錄、傢俬內預計呎吋記錄、代客買料記錄、工程計劃表、採購計劃表,以及供師傅進行裝修的施工圖及傢俬安裝圖,並安排裝修師傅到單位現場開工。 Upon receiving the design and renovation contracts, responsible person in charge of the project will be assigned and the designer must review the design-related information, according to customers drawings, design content records, furniture, records within the expected Dimensions, valet to buy materials record of works, procurement schedule, and construction for renovation master plans and furniture installation drawings, and arrange for fitting to the master unit of the scene started. 2.執行 裝修工程須根據設計師跟客人同意的方案或草圖進行工程,展開整個裝修工程項目。 Renovation works start must be based on the customers’ agreement which is according to the designer sketches for programs or projects. 3.查驗 設計師或工程監督會到單位現場視察,裝修工作是否符合圖則和規範,檢查師傅的手工,確保製作符合各項ISO要求。在傢俬落貨前,更會親自查檢貨品,保證無誤才運送往單位現場。當傢俬送往單位現埸後,會由持有合法牌照的木工師傅進行傢俬安裝,對每個工序都一絲不苟,以確保準時交樓予客戶。 Designer/ Supervisory staff would come to unit site for an observation, whether the work of construction tallying with the draft and regulation, check the works of constructor, to make sure it meets the requirements of ISO. Before the furniture arrived, would check out the production, make sure it will delivery to the site, furniture will be installed by carpenter who holds a valid license, strictly in demands of every procedure, to ensure that we hand over projects to clients on time. 4.改善 每一季公司會有各項統計表和會議紀錄,用作評審各項裝修工程,經分析後作檢討,務求為顧客不斷持續改善服務。 Each quarter the company will record all the performance and conferences, as a review of the renovation project, an analysis was made after review so as to continue to continue to improve services for customers. |
Staff Development and Training
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設計情報中心深信員工是公司最重要的資產,增值員工等於增值公司,所以公司會定期舉辦員工培訓活動,以實踐公司差異化的管理策略,讓每一個員工的不同能力為公司帶來不同的競爭優勢。而且能看到員工不斷進步,自我增值是公司一向的願景。 Design Information Centre deeply believes that staff are the most important asset of the company, upgrading the staff’s values means upgrading the company, so the company regularly launches staff trainings, so as to carry out the company’s management strategy of differentiation, staff with different abilities can bring different competitive advantages to the company. Witnessing the continuous improvement and self-upgrading of the staff has been the vision of the company. 內部培訓 Internal Training 設計總監陳禮善先生不時舉辦內部講座,培訓員工各方面的知識,如職業安全、商品說明資訊等。在陳先生的指導下,DIC員工受益匪淺。而且即使培訓活動於下班時間進行,員工都會踴躍參與,充分體現了公司的「團結」精神。 Mr. Kevin Chan, the Creative Director, often launches internal talks, training the staff about the knowledge of different aspects, such as occupational safety, trade descriptions information etc. Under the guidance of Mr. Chan, DIC staff have learnt a lot. Even if the trainings were held after work, the staff participated in actively, fully performing the company’s spirit of ‘teamwork’. 實地考察 Site Visit 設計情報中心除了提供室內設計服務外,還有傢俬訂製等一條龍服務,故此公司會安排員工親赴內地考察傢俬廠房,了解傢俬製作的一系列工序。並與傢俬製作團隊交流及檢討。務求了解最新趨勢,貼近潮流,創作出最實用,最合客人心意的傢俬。 Design Information Centre not only provides interior design service, but also custom-made furniture as a one-stop service, so the company arranges the staff to visit the furniture factory in the mainland, to understand a series of furniture making process, communicate with the furniture making team and review. In order to understand and stick to the latest trend, and create the most pragmatic and satisfying furniture. 外部講座 External Talks 公司鼓勵員工不斷學習,但並不只限於工作層面,公司亦十分重視員工的生活發展,所以會為員工提供德行講座、親子講座等活動,邀請專業人士為員工講解,讓員工可以有一個全人發展,並將講座中提倡的正面能量傳揚開去,使客戶和其他員工都能感受到當中的精神。 The company encourages the staff to keep learning, but it is not only limited to work, the company takes the staff’s life development seriously, so activities like moral talks and family talks were provided for the staff, professionals were invited to give talks to the staff, so that the staff can have a comprehensive development, and spread the positive energy promoted in the talks to the customers and other staff, so that they can feel the spirit inside. |
Design director of the words
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設計情報中心掌舵人陳禮善Kevin Chan擅長平衡實用與美感,創作不同的設計風格。他經常到不同地方遊歷,喜歡從不同文化中擷取設計靈感,務求為客戶構思嶄新的意念,打造獨一無二的風格,過去更為無數客戶設計出不少特色又滿意的方案。擁有優越領導和管理才能的他深明「要經營一間室內設計公司,難;要經營一間負責任的室內設計公司,難上加難。」因此,他認為人所秉持的信念及心理素質至為重要,並在完善優質的管理系統、提升企業形象、回饋社會等各方面一直不遺餘力。 Design Information Centre director’s CHEN Lai Sin Kevin Chan has a good balance between functional and aesthetic, creating a different design. He often traveled to different places, different cultures like to extract the design inspiration, new ideas in order to provide customers ideas for a unique style. In the past, he made a numerous customer satisfaction design. With excellent leadership and management skills, he was aware of "to operate an interior design company, is difficult; to operate a responsible interior design company, even more difficult." Therefore, he considered that the persistence of beliefs and psychological paramount importance, and in improving the quality management system, enhance corporate image, and other aspects contribute to the community has been committed. 抱持正念 Hold Mindfulness 在Kevin的字典裡,成功從來沒有捷徑與僥倖這回事,他除了擁有超凡信念及豐富設計經驗之外、亦有一套與別不同的管理概念值得學習。他認為只要有正確的信念──助人自助──便能使員工上下一心,同時享受工作。助人自助的意思是:幫助自己克服困難、減壓、面對困難並提升自己,幫助別人解決問題,以及愛護家人。「我的管理概念很簡單,只要認為自己的信念是正確就會一直堅持、或去保護這個信念,即使有人質疑『它』,我都不會有半點動搖,直至達到我的目標為止。當然,要成功除了個人管理能力之外,員工亦非常重要,公司有完善的制度,由客人踏入『設計情報中心』一刻開始,就已經可以得到一套完善的服務。」 In Kevin's dictionary, there is no shortcut to success and never has a thing with luck. He has extraordinary faith and extensive experience in design; he also got a management concept which is worth to learn. He believes that with the right belief of self-reliance - will make employees work together in harmony, while enjoying the work. Means of self-reliance: to help themselves to overcome difficulties, stress reduction, and solve their own difficulties, to help others solve problems, and care for their families. "My management concept is as simple as that their belief is right will always insisted, or to protect the faith, even if some people question " it ", I do not have the slightest wavering, until they reach my goal. Of course, in addition to personal management skills to be successful, the staff is also very important and the company needs to have a perfect system. By the time, the customers enter into the "design Information Centre”, the customer can already get a good standard of service. " 肯定表揚 Positive recognition Kevin表示:「工作,除了獲得金錢的回報外,其中一項收獲便是成功感。有些員工非常看重從工作中獲得成就感,希望得到別人的欣賞和讚美,從中體驗自身價值,若然所付出的努力能達至美滿的成果,便會產生滿足感和工作動力。」因此,他會給予員工發揮才能的空間,並會肯定和表揚他們的努力,以激勵他們努力工作。 Kevin said: "Work in addition to access the money returns, which is the sense of a harvest. Some employees can get a sense of accomplishment from work, hoping the other people admire and praise in order to value themselves. If the employees pay efforts and achieve a happy outcome, there will be satisfaction and motivation.”Therefore, he will give people the room to show their telnets and motivate them to work hard. 克服困難 Overcome the difficulties Kevin 有一套積極克服困難的方法:「要經過磨練的人才會成長,受過磨練才明白苦樂一體的道理。一般人認為痛苦就是快樂的相反詞,但我卻認為快樂與痛苦就像雙生兒,是一體兩面的,沒有痛苦就沒有快樂。好像孕婦在生育過程中很痛苦,可是孕育新生命的喜悅會超過痛苦,甚至將生育時的痛苦忘記得一乾二淨,所以歡樂是克服苦痛的成果,一個不曾嚐過痛苦滋味的人,無法體會快樂的可貴。真正的人生,要在樂中能知苦、苦中也能體會樂的甘美。」因此,他會舉行各類富挑戰性的活動,如哈爾濱滑雪之旅,讓要員工在活動中挑戰自己,克服自己的心魔,啟發員工更廣闊的思想以至激發個人潛能,鍛鍊他們克服困難的意志。 Kevin has a positive approach to overcome the difficulties: "The talents will grow through disciplined and difficulties. After overcoming the difficulties, it will understand the saying of happiness and bitter is the same. Most people think that pain is the opposite of the word happy, but I think that pleasure and pain like twins and there is no pleasure without pain. Although the pregnant women in the reproductive process is very painful, the process of giving birth is the joy of new life more than pain, the pain of childbirth and even completely forgotten. So the joy is to overcome the pain of the results, a person who has not tasted bitter taste, cannot experience joy valuable. Real life, to be kept in the dark in music in bitter, bitter experience of music can also be sweet. "Therefore, he will hold all kinds of challenging activities, such as Harbin ski trip, so to challenge themselves in the activities of employees, to overcome his own demons to inspire employees to stimulate broader thinking as well as their potential, exercise their will to overcome difficulties. 學習永不太遲 Never too late to learn Kevin表示:「今次我們得到HKMA的優質管理獎,全賴DIC上上下下的努力,才可以提供優質服務給我們的客戶,這次我們在不經不覺之間也進步了許多,說起進步,其實我是在42歲才開始學習管理,今天我已經拿到一個管理學的博士學位,『千里之行,始於足下』,學習永遠都不會太遲,我在這裡希望我們優質的服務可以帶給消費者更優質的生活,一同成長,享受更優質的人生。」 Kevin said “This time we won the HKMA Quality Award, it was the effort of all the staff of DIC, so that we can provide high quality service to our customers. This time, we’ve improved a lot unknowingly. Talking about improvement, actually I started to study management when I was 42. Today I’ve got a Doctor Degree in management. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. It’ll never be too late to study. I hope our high quality service can bring better lives to the consumers. We grow together to enjoy a better life.” |
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作為負責任的良心企業,設計情報中心積極履行社會責任,一直推行環保方案,十分重視客戶、員工及生態環境的健康,不但率先在施工過程中採用環保建材等,更成功考取 ISO 14001:2015 環境管理體系認證。為了給客戶打造一個舒適健康的安樂窩,以及為員工提供理想的綠色工作環境,還於辦公室內推行環保,實行上下一心為環保出一分力。 設計情報中心為環保出力不甘後人,前線裝修設計隊伍經常向客人提供環保油漆、環保板材等保護環境的設備作選擇,同時亦會耐心解答客人對成份的疑問。另外,工程的安全意識亦相當重要,為了避免因工程意外而引致的環境污染,公司會預先訂立各項應變措施,如火警或化學物品洩漏等,並至少每半年為員工進行一次緊急應變演習。經過嚴格訓練而培育出專業人才,對於保護環境及自身安全做到盡善盡美。 As a responsible Cooperation, Design Information Centre actively fulfills their social responsibility and the environmental protection program has been implemented. Design Information Centre value the importance of every customers, employees and ecological health, not only the first design firm use environmentally friendly building materials in the construction process, but also we successful obtain ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management system certification. In order to provide customers a comfortable and healthy living environment, and provide an ideal green work environment, we implement the environmental protection scheme in our office. Design Information Centre is willing to contribute effort to protect the environment; our frontline decoration design team often provides environmental friendly paint, environmentally friendly plates and other equipment to our customers. In addition, the safety regulation also very important, in order to avoid work accidents caused environmental pollution, the company entered into in advance of the contingency measures, such as fire or chemical spill, etc., and at least once every six months for staff emergency drill. After rigorous training and nurture professionals for the protection of the environment and their own safety to achieve perfection. 推動教育是設計情報中心重視的其中一環。對於培訓,許多公司會擔憂若培育出來的人才流失,最後反而得不償失。但設計情報中心深信為員工持續提供培訓,才是留住人才的不二法門。設計情報中心一方面積極地向業界提升自我水平,強化專業操守的訊息。透過辦學或定期在坊間舉辦免費講座,向有志投身的人士提供渠道,為室內設計界作出貢獻,締造一個和諧而互助的營商環境。另一方面,設計情報中心重視不斷學習的信念,因此投放大量資源在企業內部培訓上,公司向員工提供各類型講座和培訓課程,涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,例如ISO培訓、職業安全培訓、壓力處理及領袖訓練等,從而令員工在工作上更得心應手。即使是資深或是新入職的員工,公司亦十分鼓勵員工繼續進修,把學到的知識薪火相傳,進一步落實回饋社會的使命。 Design Information Centre addresses the cooperation training part. For the training, many companies worry about brain drain. However, Design Information Centre believes provide continuous training for employees is the only way to retain talent. Design Information Centre on the one hand has a positive self-improvement to the industry level, to strengthen the professional conduct. Through the training and free seminars held regularly among the people, to those who are interested in joining to provide channels for the interior design community to contribute to creating a harmonious and mutual business environment. On the other hand, Design Information Centre emphasis on continuous learning , so invest heavily in internal training. Design Information Centre provide employees with all types of seminars and training courses covering a wide range, such as ISO training, occupational safety training, stress management and leadership training so that employees work more smoothly. Even veteran or new recruits, the company also is encouraging employees to continue learning, to learn passing the torch of knowledge and to further implement the mission of giving back the value to society. 他重視人才,認為團隊力量是邁向成功的寶貴財產,更重視員工的心理質素。因此會透過不同的戶外活動,挑戰他們面對困難時的勇氣和團隊精神。例如模擬戰爭(war game)是需要團隊的合作性,訓練團隊精神;又例如舉辦滑雪或潛水,並為他們分組,需要他們步署作戰攻略,藉活動挑戰他們面對困難的勇氣,同時與同事建立深厚互信的關係。設計情報中心更約每兩星期為員工舉辦戶外活動,目的是舒緩工作壓力,提升創作力靈感,藉此加深員工間的溝通與團隊合作精神,培養員工成為有朝氣及活力的團隊。 Kevin believes that the team strength is the key valuable property to success but he pays more attention to employees' psychological quality. Therefore, through a variety of outdoor activities, enhance the courage and teamwork spirit to face difficulties. For example, simulated war (war game) is in need of team cooperation, training, teamwork; skiing or scuba diving. By different activities and challenges, it can test the employee’s courage when facing difficulties; at the same time with colleagues create a relationship of deep mutual trust. Design Information Centre about every two weeks organize outdoor activities for employees, it aimed to relieve the pressure of work, enhance the creative inspiration to deepen communication and teamwork among the staff, training staff to become vibrant and dynamic team. 常言道:「要建立一個快樂正氣的團隊,先做好自己,才能為客人帶來稱心滿意的作品。」、「我們是一個和諧團隊,員工自律地開心為公司工作,而不怕為個人創造佳績,為公司努力去令客戶開心滿足,發自內心地創作。」、「千萬不能收集怨恨,要經常收集寬恕、開心,享受工作之樂。」可見他的熱誠與積極加強了員工的歸屬感與士氣。 As the saying goes: "To establish a happy and healthy atmosphere of the team do its own, in order to bring satisfaction for the customers works.", "We are a harmonious team, employees easy to feel happy and work happily for the company, every employees try their best to make customers happy and to meet, the customer satisfaction standard. "," Do not collect resentment, forgiveness should always collect happy, enjoy the joy of work. "Showing his enthusiasm and actively strengthen their sense of belonging and morale. |
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